Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Is right for my place (CIS512 - Assignment B)

#6- Would you pitch to your organization, and replace the existing software? Why or Why not? Talk about issues like ROI, Security, Maintenance, Enterprise Architecture etc

Pitch it to the bosses?
Yes, yes, yes. Based on the week I have had playing with I would highly recommend it to companies who are commercial or commerce driven. It is easy to use, not too expensive if mid-range packages are chosen, and best of all seemingly has excellent support.

Not so much of a pitch for ol' Uncle Sam....
Unfortunately I work on proprietary Government networks that require complete access and disclosure to all infrastructure on the network; from user terminals, to mid-level CISCO routers, to the very fiber that carries all the networking signals. The very nature of means that it is mobile, accessible from a variety of networks and operating systems, and rides networks that could be untrusted. Not necessarily insecure, just untrusted, where data sets and information might be more easily captured via 802.11 segments in a network or via embedded packet capture applications. When a customers data is extremely sensitive or absolutely proprietary, then might not be the best solution. This only being for institutions require end to end trust relationships or complete security (absolute network control).

Salesforce packages (CIS512 - Assignment B)

#5- Explain Salesforce's pricing and licensing model? has 5 packages. Package #1 is the lightest weight, on up to Package #5 with the most options (and biggest cost). Each package contains new options, and all of options listed for the previous lesser packages.

The first offering is named "Contact Manager" and is geared toward managing business contacts and customers. For $5.00 per user (log-in) per month, with a maximum of up to 5 users who can; track customers, run reports, use email applications such as outlook or gmail, and advertises a 99.9% availability to users.

Package #2 is named the "Group" deal and is geared toward CRM management for small groups, and this package can facilitate up to 5 users. The cost is $25.00 per user per month, where each user can run reports, receive real-time dashboard feeds, contact customer support 5 days a week 12-hour a day.

The "Professional" package is the third offering. With no limit on users, various reports, a dashboard that can be customized, the ability to mass mail contacts, sales forecasting and cost $65.00 per user per month.

Forth in line is the "Enterprise" package, and this is just short of a having a private service, and costs $125.00 per user per month. The Enterprise edition offers off-line access (not on the Internet), advanced security, a searchable library.

Finally, the most expensive and advanced package is the "Unlimited" with unlimited customization, development, and support. This package cost $250.00 per user per month, offers 24X& premier application support, and a dedicated systems administrator.

Salesforce Success (CIS512- Assignment B)

#4- Why is Salesforce so famous and widely adopted?

Some popular kids like it...
The list of clients and success stores on the pedigree page is impressive. Companies of all shape, size, and business vector. Just to name a few; Starbucks, Dell, The Wall Street Journal, and QualComm just to name a few.

Live interactive databases and spreadsheets, with a solid performance background, proven customer support, and attractive pricing is tough to beat for some companies. Applications are user friendly, and have a 'feel' like many other network and social network sites on the Internet.

It is easy and sort of self-learning...
FAQ's and narrated help demonstrations are available with just a few click's of a mouse, and can easily and efficiently move even the most technologically deficient users into the present century. User adoption is quoted as being a big selling point for various company success stories, and nothing is more apt to fail then a systems/application that users dislike, don't trust, or feel is too difficult to choose. Businesses can capitalize on lessons learned from other organizations, they can visit common use application sites to see if solutions are present for new or known problems, essentially they don't have to recreate something that already exists.

Cloud Computing vs. Enterprise Applications (CIS512- Assignment B)

#3- Do you think Cloud Computing will replace Enterprise Applications?

Go, go, gooooo.....
Cloud Computing is an excellent idea for small to mid-range businesses on the move. Businesses that require mobility of sales force, that want to reach out to customers both new and old, that possibly don't have huge budgets for software/hardware, or are looking to revamp old and antiquated enterprise architecture.

Maybe not for big, solid, and not so go, go, go...
After playing with the application, and realizing the limitations of the Internet (can you say outage), it seems that businesses with a large number of users, that require constant upgrades, code writing, and complete security might not consider Cloud Computing the most optimal solution to their individual needs.

Salesforce CON's (CIS512- Assignment B)

#2- What are some of the disadvantages of

Its a bit spendy....
If you are a larger business, with a multitude of users, requiring constant administrator support, but don't have a large budget this might not be the product for you.

Users without decent Web access or connections...
One of the biggest disadvantages is a requirement for fairly robust access to the World Wide Web, unless an Enterprise package is purchased, which might be costly for a smaller enterprise. Enterprise edition touts off-line access where developers and technicians might require special access relationships with a company in order to work with a specific data set. As an example, many Government entities operate on stand-alone or protected networks. Another possible disadvantage is user overload or application server outage, realizing of course that almost any network in any office experiences outages and upgrade related degradation of service issues.

Might not play well with others...
Another disadvantage is migration from a legacy 'in-house' applications, where both services are required to communicate or work together but the WEB based server isn't compatible with the in-house solution.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

CIS512-Week 7 Assignment Part A - Critical Thinking

- Explain Subnet Mask?

Subnet mask is very easily understood if you think about a network of main highway Interstates (network ID), leading to local county roads (subnetwork ID), down to the road where your house sits (host ID). A subnet mask is a 32-bit value of "1" bits, or 255, for the network ID and subnetwork ID, and "0" bits for the host ID portion. Subnetting looks at the "1" bit or 255 route, and says, we are not looking at that value of the road directions but we are looking at the portion of the IP address that is masked with a "0" value. That "0" value is getting you down to street address fidelity after unmasking the IP address. Taking into account the subnet mask and netmask of an routing schema is like telling someone to drive a major Interstate Highway, possibly I-95, to another lesser known route, possibly Route 1, on down to your local Main Street. For example, use the following address;, that has a net mask of:, and a sub net of Someone that lives in your local neighborhood would know that will take you to a host ID of .42, or right to your neighborhood street. However if you are giving your distant cousin your address, and she lives in another part of the country you would have to give her more information. Your major Interstate would be the net ID of 63.34, your minor county road would be the subnet ID of .12, and your local street would be a host ID of .42. The sub net mask portion would tell the local neighbor you are right around the corner, and would tell your cousin in a remote area that they need to use the main network ID, subnetwork ID, and host ID to find you.

- Explain Class A, Class B, Class C IP Address?

Classes of IP addresses are like explaining big fancy iconic celebrities, local well-known "sort of celebrity" types, down to the average fella down the street. A Class A IP address is like saying, WOW, that is someone important. They are so important and big that they can purchase and use an entire Class A IP range, the Elvis and Marilyn Monroe's of the icon world. High level big shots, like the US Government or major Universities might be fancy enough to have a Class A range. Not many Class A types floating around anymore, truth be told. A Class B IP range is like saying we are sort of like hot shots, we have some importance but we don't need nearly the routing firepower of a Class A address, so we'll take up a comfortable second in the Class B range. Class B ranges might be used by smaller Internet Service Providers (ISP's) or possibly by mid-range business entities that can use so many addresses. Now lets talk about the rest of us normal folk, we likely live in the Class C range. It is not so bad down here in the Class C range. Class C out numbers the other classes of IP in a serious way, given that IP ranges can be further broken down by subnetting, NAT'ing (network address translation's), and by using a proxy. Class D address are reserved for broadcasting messages, like the local town news service, and Class E is reserved for research and development by the mad scientist down the street.

A specific break down as follows;
Class Range
A "Elvis type icons" to
B "Local heroes" to
C "Ma and Pa" to
D "News service" to
E "Spooky scientist down the street" to

- Explain Classless vs. Classful Routing Protocols?

CIDR or Classless Inter-Domain Routing is something that was started in 1993 when the old IP routing protocol schema's designed in 1970 were determined to be too limiting. Basically the world wide web was running out of unique addresses to put on the outside wrapper of a package and the delivery guys (routers) that sent around the packages were getting very confused. Imagine of mailing addresses were limited to the same number combinations as IP addresses, and you could only send mail to people in your same state (same subnet). How would you ever send a delivery to your Grandma in Alaska?. You would only be able to have as many mailing addresses as possible number combinations in the following scheme; XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX. When taken at face value that is around 4.3 billion possible combinations, and that seemed nearly endless back in 1970. Now fast forward to today, when phones, printers, vending machines, and television services all require an IP and you will quickly see that 4.3 billion IP's might not be enough to route IP's around all the network devices on the entire planet, and those delivery guys would be really confused and frustrated. So what happens when you need to send a package or mail outside of your state? Do we just say too bad, you are out of luck, no mail for you. No sir, something had to be figured out and quickly. Classless routing is when subnet mask information is transmitted with the package to be delivered, basically telling the delivery man, this package is destined for another state. Or classful routing when you tell the delivery service, this bugger is staying right here in my good ol' state.

- Explain Link State vs. Distant Vector Routing Algorithm?

You are getting ready to go on a trip. First thing you need to decide is how to get there? Do you want to take a plane, train, boat, or automobile? Do you have ton's of time to get to your destination, or is your boss greedy and you can't get any time off work? Or do you need to get to the destination as cheaply as possible because you are poor and have no money, so your car is the only option. Is this a vacation or possibly a trip to attend a funeral in your hometown? Your start point is Philadelphia, PA, and your end point is Virginia Beach, VA. With a Link State routing algorithm you might travel from Philly to VA Beach in any manner of routes and transportation modes, but you want it to be FAST. You might hop on a boat (dial-up routing) and stop in Baltimore and Washington DC first to pick up a high-speed jet liner, then head on down to the beach. Or you might just want to go point to point, Distance Vector, and get in a private car in Philadelphia and drive directly to your final destination in VA Beach. Link state is like saying you really don't care how you get to the destination just get me there as quickly as possible, car/taxi on one side, jet in the middle, and shuttle service on the other side. Where as Distance Vector is like saying hey, I own a super efficient hybrid car that can't go over 65 mph, and I'm going to drive myself from Philly to VA beach on one tank of gas direct. Using no other modes of transportation. It might not be the fastest way, but it is as direct as possible and via one mode.

- Explain Bandwidth vs. Throughput?

My eyes are bigger then my stomach!! Perfect thing to describe bandwidth, and throughput. Bandwidth is described as the maximum rate that information (data) can be moved, where as throughput is how fast the information really moves. In this case, my eyes are ENORMOUS and I'm starving. I have just entered a hot-dog eating contest and I want to shove down as many hot-dogs as I can eat as quickly as I can get them in my hands and down my throat. I dream that my bandwidth is 100 hot dogs, and I'm so HUNGARY I can eat them ALL. However throughput will be my arch-nemesis, I have to chew these suckers, they have to go down my throat, which surely can't handle as many as my big hands can shove in my big mouth. Soon my jaws will get tired of chewing, my mouth will become dry, and things will not go down my throat so easily. Those hot-dogs will start to jam up mid-way down the long road to my stomach. Soon my stomach will start to fill up, and things will generally start to clog up. My big dreams of maximum input (those 100 hot dogs), will soon be governed by the physical structure of my body. My throughput in the end might only be 25 hot dogs, though I have 100 sitting in front of me, and my brain is still saying ... "Hey, I can eat those dogs, keep them coming!!". However your body is now straining, screaming at you, and possibly saying (physically via some gage reflexes), you are not stuffing anymore hot-dogs down this mouth, into this throat, and down to settle in this stomach.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Salesforce PRO's (CIS512- Assignment B)

#1- What are some of the advantages of

Learn it & ask Questions...
The site has an excellent help page, and FAQ resources search page, both were intuitive to use and fairly simple. The application also had excellent narrated demonstration tools. The demo was easy to use, understand, stop/start, and with interactive ques to assist with learning.

Having it my way...
Drag and drop features on the site allow for multiple configurations to meet any number of a businesses needs. Analysts and "information" people love drag and drop customization. Never so frustrating to use a GUI tool or fixed parameter tool, only to find you only need 3 or 4 of the 20 columns available and they are not conveniently co-located. Headers remain visible as you create new entries or scroll across the spreadsheet, if only Microsoft Excell would be so kind. No more getting lost in columns in a spreadsheet as the headers move with you. And the ability to easily hide filters and/or create filters on a data set is especially helpful. Auto-complete for current record-set can save workers quite a bit of time, as well as reducing typing errors. For example if a customer is on the phone, an agent can have them give their address and review it as they type out the first few characters, then simple follow along with with the company already has in a database.

After thoughts...
This application allows for users to be internationally located, with minimal hardware requirements, can operate on a multitude of operating systems, and also can be configured in many languages. Perfect solution for a new business or smaller business operating internationally.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

"What is enterprise architecture?" (450 words)
What makes things tick? The brick and mortar construction of an architectural masterpiece, can be compared to the fiber and silicon of a wickedly fast company network. In fact this very back-bone of productivity, fast/effective communication, and secure storage can be over laid with functions of real physical people positions in a company.

"Imagine if the architecture of your business were a line and block chart, much like the hierarchy of the CEO right on down to the bottom of the barrel with the guy that pulls staples from extra copies of briefings before they are shred. A firewall is really like those spooks that work in security and policy review, the ones that want to poke in your lunch back when you leave a secured area or who READ YOUR EMAIL. Routers on the network are like switch or call center operators, they better have a clearly defined set of rules or you'll never get anything accomplished. Printers are akin to scribes and 'learned' men from the 12th century who knew how to put ink to parchment and document life around them. Client terminals are like the average joe-worker bee, they are all over the place and can perform a whole variety of functions. Super analytic terminals or number crunching workstations can be compared to the clairvoyant division chief, who always seems to quickly cut to the chase, and get to the heart of a matter. The wizard of an old man down the street who has a memory like an elephant, and never forgets a thing, is like the back-up server locked in a closet in the back of the building.

Milton (that really nice old guy) who sits diligently at the front security desk, and has to inspect all the badges of everyone coming or going, is like user authentication when you log-in to your terminal daily. Of course there are some things that always seem the same, snail mail post man/woman, is like the Apache server who handles all the email on the company LAN. Mail is mail, but by some many other names. And good old CHAT, that server is really like that horrible gossip that sits by the coffee pot and has to share every speck of tawdry "news" she hears with anyone that will stop more then 5 minutes to listen to her rabble. On that note, some architecture enterprise applications are aptly named, if you have heard of PIDGIN, a chat tool, well and I guess you might make the connection between pooping gray birds delivering notes and that nice place to gossip, make dinner plans with the girls and/or fellas, and a general place to go way off tangent in the work place (yes, yes, it can always be productive t00).

All in all, there is not much in the enterprise architecture of a computer network that can't be compared to the interrelationship and disposition of all levels of human management. NO ONE likes an cheating and undependable toad in the road co-workers, and NO ONE likes a sluggish and virus riddled local area network.