Monday, November 23, 2009

Salesforce PRO's (CIS512- Assignment B)

#1- What are some of the advantages of

Learn it & ask Questions...
The site has an excellent help page, and FAQ resources search page, both were intuitive to use and fairly simple. The application also had excellent narrated demonstration tools. The demo was easy to use, understand, stop/start, and with interactive ques to assist with learning.

Having it my way...
Drag and drop features on the site allow for multiple configurations to meet any number of a businesses needs. Analysts and "information" people love drag and drop customization. Never so frustrating to use a GUI tool or fixed parameter tool, only to find you only need 3 or 4 of the 20 columns available and they are not conveniently co-located. Headers remain visible as you create new entries or scroll across the spreadsheet, if only Microsoft Excell would be so kind. No more getting lost in columns in a spreadsheet as the headers move with you. And the ability to easily hide filters and/or create filters on a data set is especially helpful. Auto-complete for current record-set can save workers quite a bit of time, as well as reducing typing errors. For example if a customer is on the phone, an agent can have them give their address and review it as they type out the first few characters, then simple follow along with with the company already has in a database.

After thoughts...
This application allows for users to be internationally located, with minimal hardware requirements, can operate on a multitude of operating systems, and also can be configured in many languages. Perfect solution for a new business or smaller business operating internationally.

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