Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Salesforce Success (CIS512- Assignment B)

#4- Why is Salesforce so famous and widely adopted?

Some popular kids like it...
The list of clients and success stores on the pedigree page is impressive. Companies of all shape, size, and business vector. Just to name a few; Starbucks, Dell, The Wall Street Journal, and QualComm just to name a few.

Live interactive databases and spreadsheets, with a solid performance background, proven customer support, and attractive pricing is tough to beat for some companies. Applications are user friendly, and have a 'feel' like many other network and social network sites on the Internet.

It is easy and sort of self-learning...
FAQ's and narrated help demonstrations are available with just a few click's of a mouse, and can easily and efficiently move even the most technologically deficient users into the present century. User adoption is quoted as being a big selling point for various company success stories, and nothing is more apt to fail then a systems/application that users dislike, don't trust, or feel is too difficult to choose. Businesses can capitalize on lessons learned from other organizations, they can visit common use application sites to see if solutions are present for new or known problems, essentially they don't have to recreate something that already exists.

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